Innovative Ways to Use Synthetic Grass for Residential Artificial Turf Installation in Denver, CO

tiles artificial grass

With a bit of creativity and a little attention to detail, you can revamp your space with artificial turf installation in Denver, CO. Artificial grass allows flexible landscaping options that maintain the most natural appearance suitable for any space and purpose. The turf can be cut and installed in places that aren’t imaginable with natural grass. Enjoy your residential spaces more and get creative with these unique synthetic turf installation ideas.

Creative Uses for Artificial Turf

Thanks to recent technological advances, the quality of artificial grass has significantly improved. New turf products now accurately mimic the appearance and texture of real grass, from the blades down to the hues. Expect a well-manicured lawn for years to come when you make the switch to synthetic turf.

Try out these creative ideas for the biggest turf installation surprise in your home:

  • Grass Pathways

Use the artificial turf for a stone pathway effect on your lawn! Installing the best synthetic turf in Denver offers protection to more delicate areas around the house. A good pathway creates a dynamic break between a lawn space and a border. Experiment with some designs that give the path a meandering look. Your guests will surely marvel at its vividly real effect!

  • Balcony Cover

Install synthetic grass on your balcony for a unique type of flooring. With artificial grass, you can get quirky carpeting that is perfect for warm days. It also serves as an excellent bonding spot for you and your friends during get-togethers!

  • Backyard Chessboard

Liven up your backyard with a grass chessboard. Create alternating squares of green and white grass to create a chessboard effect. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf comes in a variety of hues, depending on your purpose. Have fun playing with your family and friends in this unique installation.

  • Wall Coverings

Artificial turf installation in Denver, CO is not limited to the ground. Add a splash of green to your blank walls with synthetic turf. The uniqueness of this installation will get your guest buzzing!

  • Welcome Mats

Greet every visitor with a quirky green mat outside the door! The mat does not have to be rectangular; you can have it in any shape you prefer. This creation is sure to add a smile to every family member and leave an impression on your guests.

Get Inventive with Artificial Turf Installations!

Break away from the usual dull landscapes, and create an artificial grass installation that will add spark to your home! With its durability and non-toxic properties, synthetic turf is a most welcome addition to any part of your property.

Our experts at Denver Artificial Grass Pros can help you create any grass landscape you want on the first try! From grass-covered patios to pet-friendly artificial grass for dogs in Denver, we can install them all for you. Our grass products offer the following benefits:

  • Non-toxic and non-allergenic
  • Dirt-free
  • Soft and sturdy blades
  • Up to 15 years warranty
  • No watering, mulching, or mowing needed
  • Pet-friendly

Liven up your home and increase its value with synthetic turf installations. Call us at 720-802-4293 for a FREE quote on your next project!