Pros Tips in Keeping High-Quality Synthetic Turf in Denver Cool

Investing in high-quality synthetic turf in Denver allows you to maintain a vibrant green landscape no matter the weather. Most homeowners, however, struggle to keep their lawn surface as cool as possible, especially during summer.

Dealing with the same problem? Worry no more! In this post, we discussed the essential things you need to remember to keep your synthetic lawn cool despite the summer heat.

artificial green grass

The Truth about Synthetic Turf and Heat

Some people believe that since artificial turf is made from plastic, it tends to get hotter than natural grass on warm days —a common misconception among property owners. In fact, no data shows that increased surface temperature reduces the durability and efficiency of artificial grass. Maintaining lawn surface at a cool level is only a matter of choosing the best artificial turf installation in Denver, CO and implementing appropriate upkeep practices.

For a cooler artificial turf for your space, choose one that has a lighter color and a heat-absorbent infill. These turf traits will help anyone setting foot on your lawn or patio feel comfortable. Having proper drainage and water absorption system can also help, as water is a natural coolant.

An excellent example of this kind of grass is EasyTurf, which has proprietary MaxxFlow technology that provides one of the best drainage systems. In addition, its 15-year durability warranty and realistically designed blades make EasyTurf a sensible choice for a grass design.

Easy Ways to Help Keep Turf Cool on Sunny Days

Here are tried-and-tested ways to keep your turf cool on hot summer days:

  • Place drainage tiles near your turf installation.

Install drainage tiles between concrete and grass to improve drainage and air circulation. This helps in lessening heat build-up and contributes to your peace of mind.

  • Use retractable awning.

Place a retractable awning or shade over your grass scape to shield it from extreme heat. During the night, you can easily pull it back and enjoy the view of stars from your lawn.

  • Rinse with a garden hose

A dab of water from your hose will make your grass covering feel even cooler. Once the water is drained, you can enjoy a cool, comfortable lawn.

  • Use a sprinkler system for a few minutes.

Setting up an automatic water sprinkler helps make the overall turf surface less hot to the touch. The drainage property of the turf will make sure that water does not build up on the surface to avoid flooding.

Cool Down Your Turf Easily

Through planning and a few hacks, you can keep your turf cool in spite of the heat. A good installation job will also make it appear seamless to your guests.

Trust our experts at Denver Artificial Grass Pros to help you achieve that perfect touch of green!  Our trained team of experts is more than happy to provide your landscape with excellent artificial grass for dogs in Denver and other types of installations. Contact us now at 720-802-4293 for expert grass installation.