Fungal Diseases Ruin Landscapes: Here’s How Synthetic Turf in Denver Stops Them

How Synthetic Turf Prevents Turf Diseases in Yards - Denver

Fungal diseases can infect natural lawn landscapes all year round. Most fungi thrive during the cooler seasons when it rains often and moisture lingers on the ground. But some diseases can infect grasses at the height of summer when it’s hot enough to turn turf brittle and dry. You can take measures to prevent them, but that won’t ensure that the lawn will remain healthy forever. The easiest way to guarantee that is to install synthetic turf in Denver.

How Do Turf Diseases Ruin Natural Lawn Landscaping?

Turf diseases can make the grass turn yellow or sickly. Some even give off distinct symptoms, like forming patches of white, yellow or brown rings across the lawn.Some fungi also cover the turf with a powdery or threadlike matter that can trigger reactions in people with respiratory conditions.In short, turf diseases can turn lawn landscapes unsightly and even dangerous to walk in.

Symptoms of turf diseases are often mistaken for signs of common problems like underwatering or overfertilization. So unless the disease infecting their lawn has distinct symptoms, most people won’t think to apply fungicides until it’s too late.

Identifying the disease and using the right fungicide to curb it can keep it from spreading. But there’s no guarantee that you’ll purge it out of your lawn, especially if it already infected the plants near your lawn.

How Does Artificial Grass Keep Your Lawn Disease-Free?

Fungal diseases typically start in the grass and then spread to other plants in the yard landscape.

With synthetic turf in Denver, you don’t have to worry about infections spreading from plant to plant because there’s no organic material for them to infect. So rain or shine, you can rest assured that you’ll always have a healthy-looking and -feeling lawn.

Turf Diseases That Can’t Infect Artificial Grass

Once you install synthetic turf in your yard, you can stop worrying about these diseases ruining your landscape:

Redthread Disease

Redthread disease is a fungal disease that causes premature leaf death and yellowing of turf. It can also cause thinning of the turf, which leads to increased sunlight exposure, faster drying of the soil and an increase in weeds. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about it and the problems it creates if you have a synthetic lawn.

Fusarium Patch Disease

It is a fungal infection that can cause yellow or brown spots on the leaves of your lawn. These spots will grow up to 1 inch across before merging together to create large patches all over the grass blades. The great news is that you will never spot these symptoms on synthetic grass for dogs in Denver.

Necrotic Ring Spot

Necrotic ring spot is a disease that attacks cool-season grasses. It appears as rings of dead grass around the edge of the lawn. The grass turns brown and dies in these rings. Good thing this disease can’t infect artificial grass.

Dollar Spot

Dollar spot is a fungal disease that attacks warm-season grasses, particularly bentgrass and bermudagrass on golf courses. It looks like small, circular spots on the lawn—usually in late spring or early summer—and those spots turn brown and die within hours. Synthetic turf is immune to it, so you can be sure that you won’t find these distinct spots on your installation.

Keep Your Yard Pristine With an Artificial Turf Installation in Denver, Co

If you’re looking for artificial grass products that are not only immune to turf diseases but offer other benefits, look no further than Denver Artificial Grass Pros. Our synthetic turf products are eco-friendly, weather-resistant, realistic, soft underfoot, safe for kids and perfect for pets. We also offer landscaping solutions and installation services.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message online or call us at 720-802-4293.