Want Unlimited Putting Practice? Here’s How a Synthetic Turf in Denver Can Help You

Benefits of Synthetic Turf for Putting Practice

Want to putt like a pro? Practice makes perfect! You could go to a country club or miniature golf course and pay for memberships and rounds. But if you want to get good without becoming broke, you can invest in synthetic turf in Denver for golf. Use it to create a backyard putting green for free and unlimited putting practice.

Why Artificial Grass Is Perfect for Short Game Training

Synthetic turf always offers the perfect ball roll, so you can practice putting and gauge how far they’ll go. It also lets you play on specific stimp ratings, so you’ll be more versatile once you hit the course.

Moreover, artificial grass is quick and easy to install. It takes a few hours or days to complete a synthetic putting green, depending on the size and design. That’s leagues faster than the months it takes for natural grass to grow and become golf-ready.

So if you grow tired of your current setup, you can always come up with a new design and let your turf installers set it up.

Finally, synthetic turf in Denver for golf is durable and resistant to impact. So when the ball hits or rolls on it, its fibers spring back quickly when the pressure is gone. That means that you don’t need to repair your putting green after practice sessions. Likewise, you can forget about stopping your training to wait for the turf to recover from consecutive games.

Artificial Putting Green Feature Ideas for Short Game Practice

A backyard green is perfect for putting practice. The only downside? It can get boring once you master it. But don’t worry—that’s easy to fix by adding any of the following features:


Bunkers can help you get better at judging distance, helping you learn how to get the ball close enough that it’s easy to make the next putt.

Water Hazards

When you have to hit over water, you need to be able to control your distance and trajectory to avoid the hazard. If you have a pool or pond in your yard, consider integrating it into your green.


Hills will help you get better at gauging slopes and determining the right angle and force to get around them. Cover them with artificial grass for dogs in Denver to make them blend with the rest of your green.

Sand Traps

These traps will force you to use a different kind of stroke than what you’re used to on an actual green, like the long arc stroke.


Learn how to aim at different angles and get better at reading greens with tunnels. They’ll also help you improve your ability to determine how much force to put behind your swings.


Paths are great for practicing your lag putting, which is when you hit the ball with a longer swing than usual so that the ball travels slower.

Putt Like a Pro With an Artificial Grass Installation in Denver

We know you’re busy. We are too, but we want to make sure you have the best experience with your artificial putting green.

Denver Artificial Grass Pros can help you design and set up your backyard putting green so that you’ll have an amazing time playing on it! Our team can guarantee a fast and hassle-free installation. Rest assured that we only use only the best synthetic turf for golf.

We’ll walk you through the costs and installation process before starting. Send us a message online or give us a call at 720-802-4293 to get a quote for your putting green.